
From the Ministers
Worship Services
Personal Theology
Good Neighbor Program
Humanist Connections
Special Events
Family Ministry
From the Board of Trustees
From the Executive Director
From the Treasurer
Social Justice Council
Buildings & Grounds
Partner Church Committee

From the Ministers

One of the many blessings of our faith is the Fourth Principle of Unitarian Universalism, which encourages us all to pursue “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Many of us, particularly those who may have come from more orthodox traditions, relish in the freedom to decide for ourselves the things we believe to be most important and true. Some of us are drawn to this faith because it allows our children to grow and develop into the fullness of who they are in a free and open community. Others resonate deeply with our faith’s legacy of working together for freedom.

Our freedom as Unitarian Universalists is definitely important, but so is our responsibility. Because the shared ministry we offer together as a congregation is about more than simply the things we want to do or are free to do. As people of faith, our purpose is also shaped by our responsibility to the truths we affirm and to those around us in the larger communities of which we are but one small part.

As we explore this theme of “freedom and responsibility” in worship this month, we encourage you to reflect on the many ways you can exercise your freedom responsibly this month. Perhaps the most obvious is by voting in the California primary on Tuesday, March 3rd. And even if you are not a citizen or are otherwise unable to vote, you can still volunteer to help people get to the polls.

As you will read about in the next few pages of this Beacon issue, March is Stewardship month. UUCB is not part of a denomination but rather one member in an association of congregations. This distinction is more than just semantic; while we are in relationship with other UU congregations, we have both the freedom and the responsibility to govern and fund ourselves. While we govern ourselves with representative democracy, we fund our annual budget primarily through renting out our space and the yearly financial commitments (or pledges) of our members.

Sunday, March 1, is the kick-off to the Stewardship campaign. We will celebrate in worship as well as lunch and a baking competition in the Social Hall following the service. After the service please pick up your pledge packet and enjoy some lunch. If you turn in your pledge form on Sunday by 1 p.m. you’ll get to vote for the Crowd’s Choice winner after sampling all of the baked good entries!

Rosa Parks once said, “I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would also be free.” May all of us learn to use and exercise our freedom in the service of others, and in so doing “create loving community, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage lives of integrity, joy, and service.”


Kristin and Christian

Worship Services in March

Sanctuary, 11 am on Sundays

Theme for March: Freedom and Responsibility

March 1:  Binding Our Hearts, Kristin preaching; Lee Maranto, worship associate. Join us this week as we celebrate all we give and receive together here at the UU Church of Berkeley, and all of the good that generosity makes possible in our community. Everyone is invited to stay after the service for lunch and to see the results of our first ever Baking Contest!

March 8:  Our Circles, The Rev. Elod Szabo preaching; Deborah Schmidt, worship associate. Scientists say everything changes constantly. We may say, nothing is constant, only change. Yet, many individuals and communities assume that old patterns of existence will work forever. But time and the realities of life challenge us all, and call us to revise our principles, creeds, laws, our ways of being and thinking. From the circles of the ancient scientist Archimedes, to the circles of love in which Jesus tried to create the kingdom of God, to the round table of King Arthur who believed in the power of equality and mutual respect, we see examples of people who have expanded their circles to include others. What kind of changes and challenges do we experience in Transylvanian Unitarian and in American Unitarian Universalist circles? [Előd Szabó was born in Kolozsvár, Transylvania. He comes from a long line of ministers including his grandfather who was bishop of the Hungarian Unitarian Church from the 1970’s to 1990’s. Since 2007 he has been a minister in the village of Ürmös with his wife Kata, who is a nursery school teacher, and their two young sons. He is doing post-graduate studies this year at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, focusing on homiletics and other fields of study which will help him better serve when he returns home.]

March 15:  Believing What We Must, Rev. Kristin leading worship; Lee Maranto, worship associate.  As Unitarian Universalists we have the freedom to seek after truth in many religious and spiritual traditions. This week we will hear from a few members of our church along the spiritual spectrum and celebrate our theological freedom. Karen Elliott, worship associate.

March 22:  Giving Back, Rev. Christian preaching; Cynthia Asprodites, worship associate. Telling the stories of what happens to us when we give from deep inside, and how it can change us and our community. Join us for a multi-generational service on the power of giving.

March 29:  Learning Together Sunday; Sarah Ward, worship associate. In our liberal faith we often say that “revelation is not sealed,” meaning that there is always more for us to learn. This week a shorter worship in the Sanctuary will be followed by classes and workshops for all ages all over our campus. Join us for a morning of growing and learning, together!

Good Neighbor for March (sharing our offerings):

The East Bay Center for the Blind is an innovative, grassroots, nonprofit organization that seeks to empower blind and visually impaired individuals underserved by traditional agencies. It strives to actively facilitate independence, confidence, dignity and self-growth in our community.

Personal Theology

Sunday mornings, 9:30-10:45 am, September to May, Fireside Room

March 1:  Jim Gasperini is an author, multimedia designer and longtime member of UUCB. Jim has been working for three years on a cultural history of fire, with the working title Fire in the Mind: From the Burning Bush to Burning Man, How We Imagine Fire. He will base his talk on an early chapter, Fire at the Creation and the Fires of Heaven.

March 8:  Dorothy Herzberg is a longtime UUCB member, chair and/or member of many UUCB committees such as the Summer Forum for a Better World, Book Table, GRIP, Social Justice, etc. She was in the Service Scouts and Girl Scouts. She volunteered in a children’s rehabilitation hospital. She worked after school and in the summers for the Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund as a counselor, program director and director; went to work with the American Friends Service Committee in Mexico in 1958, then joined the Peace Corps, where she was one of the first 400 volunteers! And the rest is history… come and hear more!

March 15:  Rev. Earl W. Koteen, a lifelong UU, is an ecological justice minister. Roots of Justice is a course designed to help us think holistically about justice and our current political and economic systems and moment. Earl had a 30-year career in strategic planning, organizational development, and human resources before entering the ministry.

March 22:  David Roberts, UUCB Board of Trustees member, has taught religious education, skied on Snow Trips, and served on and chaired many a committee. Failure as a Means of Growth.

March 29:  Rev. Dr. Jeanne Foster, UUCB member, Starr King School for the Ministry and Graduate Theological Union graduate, ordained minister, Professor Emerita at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, published poet and storyteller. “What Does It Mean to Honor your Mother?” A friend recently told me that, when he was a child, he hated the commandment.

A Message About Personal Theology from Anne Wardell

The Personal Theology program at UUCB is one of the oldest adult religious education programs of its type in our denomination.  It is now in its 40th year!  Over the years it has hosted such individuals as Matthew Fox, David Presti, James Baraz, Huston Smith, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Patricia Ellsberg and many members, friends, and neighbors.  Feedback from attendees has indicated an interest in hearing more about the personal religious/spiritual journeys of our members.

It might be thought of as “Sharing the Journey” or “Sources of Our Faith” with a longer time frame. We realize that it may seem like a daunting task for one person to speak on such a topic for 35-45 minutes plus questions after that.  The committee is open to having 2 or 3 persons share their stories in a collaborative session.  Some topics that might work for this format are:  growing up as a UU, music or art or writing as a creative/spiritual practice, or activism as a spiritual path.  With this thought in mind, please feel free to let me know if you would like to participate in such a presentation.  Also, please give it some serious thought if a Personal Theology Committee member asks you to participate in sharing your journey.  Learning about others in our church is a wonderful way to create bonds and to deepen our caring and loving community.

And speaking of the Personal Theology Committee, we need more members!  If you would be interested in being on this committee, please let me or Gloria Merrill know.  We are looking for individuals who would be willing to find and host speakers for approximately 34 programs between September and the end of May of each year.  We also need individuals who are capable of operating the audio equipment and ensuring that the presentations are recorded and loaded onto our website.  Interestingly, we have found out that some of our speakers are followed via these recordings by others who are unable to attend.  Your assistance in maintaining the high quality of the Personal Theology program would be greatly appreciated!!

For more information contact Anne Wardell or Gloria Merrill, 510-527-2681. Personal Theology Committee: Gloria Merrill, Barbara Rockhold, and Anne Wardell; Publicists: Kit Hewitt and Charles Wright; and Audio Technicians: Dwight Merrill, Mac Lingo, and Charles Wright.

Humanist Connections

Sundays, 12:30 pm, Safir Room

A discussion group to explore our humanity, values, ideas.   “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” (Fourth principle of Unitarian Universalism.)

Format (most weeks): A 10- to 15-minute presentation followed by moderated, timed discussion and a potluck at 2 pm (bring a dish to share or donate $5). Newcomers welcome! Contact Harold Ogren with any questions.

March 1:  “Jade and amber in antiquity” with Don Anderson

March 8:   “Class culture” with Earl Williamson

March 15:   “The Presidential campaigns” with Ray Westergard

March 22:   “Holocracy” with Al Kueffner

March 29:    “Nationalism vs globalism “ with Hope Carroll


The Good Neighbor Program

Natalie Campbell

UUCB’s Good Neighbor program is an integral part of our congregation’s culture of giving. Each month, on the first Sunday of the month, we invite a representative from a local nonprofit to come and speak about what their organization does. We hear about the ways in which the nonprofit helps people in our community, and many times we learn about ways in which we can help, not only with monetary contributions, but with our volunteer time, as well.

The Good Neighbor program has been in existence for many years, and the donations made by UUCB members have been impressive.  The Social Justice Council, with the help of nominations made by people in our congregation, contacts the nonprofits and organizes a monthly schedule. Some years, there are more groups nominated than there are months in a year! When that happens, there is a vote at a special Social Justice Potluck, and we select the final twelve organizations.

Last year, we had thirteen different nonprofits come to speak to our church. (Two groups shared the month of July). They were: The Berkeley Food Pantry; ROYLS Inc (to end sex trafficking); YEAH—Youth Engagement Advocacy Housing;  Hip Hop for Change; Yes Nature to Neighborhoods; Youth Spirit Artworks (this is the Tiny Homes project); Operation Dignity (for homeless veterans); Planting Justice (for the formerly incarcerated); The Read Aloud Volunteer program; East Bay Sanctuary Covenant (refugee rights), GRIP—Greater Richmond Interfaith Project; RYSE (safe spaces for Richmond youth); and CASA—Court Appointed Special Advocates (for foster children).  Every month in 2019, the people of UUCB donated between $1,200 and $1,900 for each group. We earned a combined total of $19,255.21 for those thirteen local nonprofits!

In December of 2019, the social justice committee heard from fifteen organizations, and after a vote, twelve of them were selected for 2020. They were (in the order they will be speaking throughout the year): College is Real (for first-time college students); Regina’s Door Studio (for sex-trafficked girls and women); East Bay Center for the Blind; Women’s Cancer Resource Center; Crisis Support Services; YEAH—Youth Engagement Advocacy Housing; Emeryville Citizens Assistance Program; Diverse Housing Working Group; GRIP; Operation Dignity; and Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity (refugee rights).

If you have a local nonprofit that you would like to nominate for UUCB’s Good Neighbor program, please let us know! We are happy to invite new organizations to come and speak. Just contact Natalie Campbell.

Special Events in March

March 1: Baking Competition and Stewardship Lunch. We hope you’ll enter our first ever baking competition, a fun way to kick off a month of celebrating all of the ways we at UUCB give from deep within to our community! After worship we’ll enjoy a light lunch, hear about how our money will support UUCB’s mission in the year to come, and admire all of the baked entries. The three categories are pies, cookies, and dessert bars (like brownies). Prizes will be awarded in each category, plus everyone who turns in their pledge cards by 1 pm will get to vote for the Crowd’s Choice award after sampling all of the entries. To enter, just bring your bake to the registration table in the Social Hall between 9 am and 10:30 am on Sunday, March 1. Please email with questions or for more info.

Sunday, March 8: The award-winning documentary, Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook is coming to UUCB’s Fireside Room on Sunday, March 8th at 12:30 pm.  Admission is free. Narrated by Tony & Emmy Award winning actor Jeffrey Wright, Rigged reveals the frightening details of the ten-year political effort to turn back the rising demographic tide of minority voters by using a variety of voter suppression tactics.  Following the screening, join us for a voting rights panel discussion with Mac Heller, Rigged’s executive producer; UCB Professor Ian Haney Lopez, an expert on race and constitutional law; and Joel Bridgeman, managing partner of Oakland’s Community Engagement Services. For Information please contact Julie.

Sunday, March 15: Soprano Michèle Voillequé, our former cantor, choir section leader and even Board president, will give a recital at 1 pm as a fundraiser for UUCB.

Saturday, March 21, 2 pm: Memorial Service for Mary Lee Trampleasure. Please join the Trampleasure family for this service in celebration and memory of longtime UUCB member Mary Lee, who died on December 26. Mary Lee’s children are holding the service at the church where they grew up, but they have asked Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt to officiate. The service will take place at Epworth United Methodist Church, 1953 Hopkins Street, Berkeley.

Sunday, March 29: All-Church Potluck Lunch to welcome new members, who will also be introduced in the worship service. If you are interested in becoming a member of UUCB, watch for an opportunity on one of the previous Sundays or contact Lonnie Moseley.

Family Ministry

Catherine BoyleCatherine Boyle, Acting Director of Family Ministry

First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart on voting yes as a congregation to ordaining me in the fall! What a gift it is for us to grow together and live our faith out loud.

Now we are in the season of generosity as our Stewardship Campaign commences this month. With the worship theme this month being Freedom and Responsibility, reflect upon the gift this church provides to you as a place to think deeply and fully engage with spirituality and morality. Not every country in this world has the freedom of religion, or even the environment to ask questions and as Unitarian Universalists we are always pressing towards the horizon as the faith of the free.

Whether you are a Christian, an Atheist, content with your spiritual knowledge, or always seeking, what a boon it is to have an institution where many beliefs, one community is the norm; where questions are not only welcomed but encouraged (just know you may end up with even more questions!); where we model how to live the golden rule by treating our neighbors, no matter their religion, race, sexuality, country of origin how we like to be treated. UUCB is a sacred place. This is why Family Ministry is joining the push for 100% Participation in the Stewardship Campaign.

No matter what size your donation, UUCB needs it to continue the work we are doing here and to ensure the values we learn and live at and beyond UUCB are shared with the next generation.

If you value knowledge, if you believe UU values should be values of not only today but the future as well, if you believe that love still outshines hate, please pledge to UUCB today.


Catherine Boyle
Acting Director of Family Ministry


From the Board of Trustees

Kathryn Jay, Trustee and Stewardship Team member

The novelist John Updike was once asked “why are we here? Why do we live?” Updike was a prolific author, but he wasn’t given to uplift. He wrote novels about suburban infidelity and marital unrest, about the breakdown of morals, about the melancholy that suffuses so much of ordinary life. So Updike’s answer to the question surprised me. “Why are we here?” Updike said, “We are here to give praise. Or, to slightly tip the expression, to pay attention.”

UU theologian Rebecca Parker agrees, claiming that foundation for social justice comes in “… praise for the gift of life, delight in what we have tasted and seen of beauty, love, tenderness, courage, steadfastness. Grace and gratitude rest in the tangible.” According to Parker, praising the gift of life provides us the strength to change the world.

When we pay attention to the small wonders that surround us, we challenge the status quo. Not in a way that ignores the trauma and horror that surrounds us. No. Noticing the good gives us the stamina to resist evil. So giving praise sounds like a spiritual practice we could all stand to adopt, because being grateful benefits us as individuals and gives us strength to resist injustice.

Here at UUCB, it is giving season. Our stewardship campaign is in full swing. Can we give praise for that? As you read this, I’m sure many of y’all are dubious. Give praise when someone asks me for money? But hear me out, because I think being asked for money offers us an important way to pay attention to what we value, to consider what makes us grateful.

Progressive fundraiser Lynn Twist, who wrote a book called The Soul of Money, says that “you feel vibrant and alive when you use your money in a way that represents you … when you let your money move to things you care about, your life lights up.” Because stewardship is not just pledge cards and money to repair the furnace (though hurray for a functioning furnace!). Stewardship offers us a yearly chance to let our money flow in ways that make us come alive. Stewardship means taking care of something we value and enabling it to grow. Stewardship means paying attention to the tangible and nurturing the imagined into creation.

I believe stewardship is a form of giving praise.

Making the deeper connection between money and spiritual values takes work. Even when it’s not just about paying the bills, money is fraught and anxiety producing. All of us have competing demands on our gratitude giving – we give to good causes; we give to friends and family members in need. And we worry: Am I giving enough? Am I giving too much? There might be a niggling sense of: Do they even deserve my money? What am I getting in return? Without a soulful focus, it all feels so uncomfortable.

I believe stewardship campaigns get at the heart of what our community is. Every year we are asked to consider what we stand for. To pay attention to what matters to us. Remembering for what we are grateful nourishes us and strengthens our foundation for our work in the world.

So, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, I ask you: What brings you to this church? What compels you to stay? What brought you to these pews, and continues to bring you back? I urge you to ask yourself that question in all seriousness, remembering, as Rebecca Parker said, that “Grace and gratitude rest in the tangible.” When you have an answer, give thanks for it. Give praise. And give generously.

Note: Each month a different member of the Board of Trustees writes this column so you can get to know them better and get a sense of the issues dealt with by the Board. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Board as a whole.

From the Executive Director

Tess Snook O’Riva

Freedom and Responsibility.

When I saw the theme for March, my first thought was, “Why are there two?” but they are not separate. They are intertwined.

Freedom IS a responsibility, and we have to take responsibility for our freedoms. We make choices every day without coercion, and those choices matter. What size coffee to order, whether or not to bring our own travel mug, even where to get that coffee – all choices have ramifications. And even slightly bigger ones (especially for me); to forego that coffee entirely to give it to the person in front of the coffee shop who hasn’t had breakfast.

Everyone here takes their responsibilities seriously, and no one takes their freedom for granted. We understand what it is to be a citizen in this country, to vote, to complete our census forms, to participate and have our voices heard. Even more so, UUCBers use their free time to devote to things that matter – uniting to spend their time and energy to make the world a better place and help us evolve as a species. We honor our word, and we act according to our values.

It is my responsibility to facilitate the mission of UUCB. Within that scope, I have been entrusted with the freedom to make choices about who to hire, what to fix and when, and where to direct staff to spend their time and energy.

So it is with great pride and excitement that I introduce our two newest staff members: Antonio Toro and Charis Domador. Antonio has been acting as the Facilities Manager on a temporary basis since the beginning of the year. We have received such positive feedback that we stopped our search and just offered him the job on a permanent basis. Charis is our new and much-anticipated Connections Coordinator and will start helping with communications and member engagement as of March 2. Please join me in welcoming them!

I was also blessed to attend our Black History Month celebration and was reminded of what freedom really means, and that not everyone, historically or currently, has had that right. In inspires me even more to help maximize the united force of this congregation in the Good work that we do. After that amazing luncheon, it was an honor to speak with some longtime supporters of UUCB who are able to Give From Deep Within by devoting their time, treasure, and talent to increasing UUCB’s impact on our world. I hope every single one of you will join me in making the choice to support this congregation however we are able.

“In times like the present, [people] should utter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsible through time and eternity.” — Abraham Lincoln

The Coordinating Team advises the ED and meets the second and fourth Thursdays from 10 am to 12 noon. If you’re interested in attending, please contact the Executive Director to verify meeting time and place. Questions for the CT or ED? Email

From the Treasurer

nagel-larryLarry Nagel

The Finance team of Tess O’Riva, Diana Steinbach, Monte Meyer and Philip Smith of Shining Star Consulting, and myself is gaining a foothold on the UUCB finances. We are in the process of preparing the UUCB books to be turned over to an auditor, and this process is taking more time than expected. I am looking forward to receiving the report of a full and complete audit within the next couple of months, but it may take longer. The good news is that preparing the books for audit is helping to add clarity and transparency to what was a very confusing set of books.

Pledge income has improved considerably but is still a cause for concern. I will continue to monitor pledge income and report any shortfalls to the Board.

The good news is that the shortfall in pledge income is somewhat offset by a second installment of our Wake Now Our Vision grant in the amount of $46,758.

Overall, Year-to-Date Total Revenue is behind budget by just $1,737. Year-to-Date Expenses are $47,786 less than budgeted, so we are doing very well at staying within our means.

We are still in need of an Assistant Treasurer and members of a new Financial Advisory Council. If you have relevant skills, I hope you will contact me at or call me at (510) 558-0842 or (510) 502-6244.

Social Justice Council

Norie Clarke

Come to the next monthly Social Justice Council Potluck and Meeting, Sunday, March 8, 6–8 pm and help continue the struggle.

February was another very busy month for the UUCB Social Justice Council with Reverend Kristin alerting us of the petition to get the Schools and Communities First initiative on the ballot to close the loophole in Prop 13 and make large businesses pay their fair share.  Please sign the petition at the SJ Table.

UUCB’s Black History Month Celebration Service and Luncheon were held on February 23.  This event was a collaboration of the Social Justice Council, Family Ministry, our Music staff, one of our Chalice Groups, our Worship Associate, Rev. Kristin Schmidt and many other individuals who generously gave of their time and talents.  The lively and inspiring event included music with all-church participation, a three-part story from Family Ministry including a tribute to Harriet Tubman, and a testimony, a traditional African American religious tradition. Members of neighboring African American churches attended.  All joined in our delicious luncheon which followed the service. A special shoutout to Bill Brown, barbecue chef extraordinaire, who provided us with delectable ribs, freshly grilled!

Civil Rights

The Reclaim Our Vote fund raiser, with UUCB as a co-sponsor, raised over $35,000 to further their pre-election work to register, reinstate and get voters to the polls in five states with over 25% people of color and a senatorial race.  Sending postcards and calling results in an eighty-five percent turnout with the people contacted. We hope to organize a postcard writing event in March.

Come to our showing of the film, RIGGED: THE VOTER SUPPRESSION HANDBOOK, about the 2018 Georgia election. Sunday, March 8, 12:30 pm in the Fireside Room.

Environmental Justice

On Feb. 20, the SJC hosted the Introduction to Drawdown workshop. Project Drawdown mapped and modeled the 100 most powerful solutions to global warming, and some of the solutions are quite surprising! Sixty-six people came together to share a meal, participate in the interactive program, and talk about what they can do to help implement these solutions. This event was a great follow-up to our November 9 Awakening the Dreamer Symposium.

Literature, Film, and Drama Contingent

In February, the LFDC discussed Toni Morrison’s powerful and poignant first novel, The Bluest Eye. The book selection for March 1 is Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. On April 5, we will discuss Sticks and Stones: Disabled People’s Stories of Abuse, Defiance and Resilience. All are always welcome to join us, in the Fireside Room from 12:30 to 2 p.m. On Saturday, April 4, from 2 ’til 5 pm, the LFDC and the Membership Committee will present AMERICAN HERETICS: The Politics of the Gospel. Join us in the sanctuary to view this amazing documentary, followed by a Q&A with the producer. IT’S FREE! AND CHILDCARE WILL BE AVAILABLE (for those who sign up for it). More information about this event will be forthcoming.

People of Color Caucus & Whites Opposed to White Supremacy
Directly after the Black History Month event, the POCC and WOWS held their third joint meeting. Attended by 29 members, we engaged in heartfelt discussions, as we focused on building our partnership in confronting racism. Goals were articulated, and concrete strategies proposed. Much progress was made, and we look forward to taking steps in implementing these strategies within UUCB and our wider community.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Jane Lundin & Tess Snook O’Riva

Jane Lundin has generously donated funds to add an accessibility ramp to the Sanctuary chancel in honor of her late husband, Robert Lundin. Construction on the ramp continues. To date we have removed the dust enclosure, although the area is surrounded by caution tape and cannot yet be used. We are awaiting the metal work for the railing to be fabricated off site and then installed to proceed with the finishing work.

Due to the ramp construction delays, the A/V team’s new date for installation and use of the rear projector and associated equipment is early April.

We have passed the rough electrical inspection and can now begin the finishing work in the cottage. We have received multiple bids on the wall repair, flooring installation, bathroom remodel, and kitchen cabinet installation. To save costs, Tess is coordinating multiple, smaller contractors. She is planning a grand opening when the cottage is ready.

Larry is meeting with the County representative to confirm what is needed to remove the next 20 trees from our property.

Fire abatement is moving to a year-round process, per the fire department. Don Klose will investigate the cost of renting goats to reduce vegetation on at least the most treacherous areas of the property.

Buildings & Grounds will be taking a new look at the previous long-range facilities plan, otherwise known as the Reserve Study, in the coming months. Included will be a full accounting of the 2015 Capital Campaign funds and of the $758K Endowment draw previously approved by congregational vote.

If you have any questions or want to help out, contact Jane Lundin at (510) 778-9055 or  Or just drop in at the B&G Meeting on the second Thursday of every month at 3:30 pm in the Safir Room.

Partner Church Committee

partnerchurchStephanie Ann Blythe

Things are moving along nicely.  Anne and I are making our arrangements for this summer’s visit to Homorόdύjfalu.  In the past we’ve stayed in people’s homes, the minister’s parsonage, or a privately owned guesthouse.  If we stay at the parsonage, will Reverend Attila cook for us?  One time, the teen-aged son of the former minister cooked a fabulous lunch for us!  In a home stay you never know what your host may put before you.  If your host has recently shot a wild boar, you might be served the kidneys or the liver!  We even got some homemade chocolate ice cream on our last visit.  This is all in addition to the bacon cooked over an open fire (hint:  it’s just pork belly with no streaks of lean), chimney cakes, and a never empty glass of palinka.  If you’re lucky there might be some simple but tasty sausages to cook over that open fire.  You cannot go home hungry!  And just recently confirmed, we will be staying in the guesthouse.

In exchange for this wonderful hospitality, we will bring small gifts for the village children.  One time, a lot of the stuff we handed out had the script Cal logo all over it.  Anne worked there and I graduated from there, so it was a natural way to go.  One time I gave my host family a picture book about Berkeley.  It may have been more than they could comprehend!  Is there anything you could contribute that speaks about Berkeley and the area embraced by UUCB?  Let us know!

What more can Anne or I tell you?  What questions do you have?  These and many more can be answered by contacting Stephanie Ann Blythe or Anne Greenwood.