
Partner Church News, April 2016

Your Transylvanian Partner Church Committee has been kind of quiet lately, but we’re still here! In fact there is stuff happening right away that we want you to know about.

It’s GOULASH time again. We will be serving our famous gulyas (the Hungarian spelling) on Sunday, … read more.

Music Matters, March 2016

March is an exciting musical month that concludes with Easter and the resounding fanfares of a brass quartet. “So Sings My Soul” is the title for Music Sunday on March 13, when we will explore some of the physical and emotional benefits of singing as a group. Lots of music, … read more.

Coming May 7 — The All Church Spring Gala!

Ann Harlow, Ira Nelken and Gail Simpson

Mark your calendar now for the social event of the spring season, featuring desserts, dancing (live band!) and a silent auction. Please think about donating goods and services to the auction, soliciting donations from businesses you frequent, and/or participating … read more.

Board of Trustees, January 2016

Christmas Eve (sung to Dark of Winter)

I remember Christmas Eves
with light from bonfires glistening
on snowy old adobe walls,
on lifted faces listening,
following the Virgin home,
the voices carried by the drumming,
songs as ancient as the earth
or as winter’s coming.And I … read more.

Love Splash the Mosque

Christmas Eve gathering of support for Our Islamic communities

On Sunday, December 20th a Richmond man was arrested for making a credible bomb threat to a mosque in our community. This story is already being reported globally. From 8 to 10 pm on Thursday 12/24, neighbors … read more.

Recycling to Benefit UUCB

The Jewelry Table will be selling on Sundays, Nov. 1 and 15, from 10 to 11 am and after the 11 am service to 1 pm. Begin your holiday gift shopping now and/or donate your beautiful used jewelry for others to buy and enjoy.

Could you … read more.

Social Justice Council, Nov. 2015

Monthly Social Justice Pot Luck and Meeting – November 8, 6 pm. All are welcome.

Confronting Racism Literature, Film, and Drama Group – We discussed Ralph Nelson’s interview on KPFA, called “Heart to Heart: A Discussion Between a Black Man and a White Man about Race”; … read more.

Thanksgiving 2015

For many years there has been a community dinner at UUCB on Thanksgiving Day. The last few years, the turkey and some of the trimmings have been catered by Richie Dawkins, but he’s not available this year. If you would like to organize it as … read more.

Altar Flowers

We need HELP to continue the service of creating weekly altar designs for our sanctuary! The altar flower group has lost two members, and we really need other people to join us, as there are four or five Sundays to cover each month. Do you … read more.