
Policy-Based Governance

Policy–Based Governance for UUCB means that the Board of Trustees’ job is to set clear policies that reflect the congregation’s vision and mission. The Board empowers staff and volunteers to implement those policies within well–defined limitations.

The Board has established a Coordinating Team that … read more.

The Meaning of Membership

The work of this church is to create loving community, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage lives of integrity, joy, and service. The members recognize in each other freedom of mind, agree to impose no theological conditions of membership, and respect differences of opinion among us. … read more.

Our Covenant of Right Relations

We covenant to build a religious community guided by love and sustained by respectful relationships. Believing that building healthy relationships is a spiritual practice, we aim to listen appreciatively, speak with care, express gratitude, honor our differences, and assume good intentions. We endeavor … read more.

Sample Welcome Letters

Communication between a facilitator and the participants in a Chalice Circle is via email. Occasionally a participant will not have an account and will need a phone call. About one week prior to starting a Chalice Circle send out a welcome letter to all those … read more.

Community of Equality

UUCB has held special services to honor ministers in the Bay Area who support and actively conduct same-sex unions; we field a large contingent in the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade each year; we bless the holy unions of all our congregants, and have raised … read more.

Marvelous Music at UUCB

Music is a vibrant presence at UUCB.  Luminescence, the choir of adults, the Youth and Children’s Choir, Gamelan, small instrumental and vocal ensembles, a magnificent organ, a concert grand piano, and an acoustically rich sanctuary all add up to some marvelous music making.

Director of Music … read more.