Appreciation and Parting

Barb: Hi.

Bill: Hello.

Barb: Welcome.

Bill: So glad you are here.

Bill: ‘Bye.

Barb: So long.

Bill: Take care.

Barb: I’ll miss you.

All our lives are full of hellos and goodbyes.

The time in between seems sometimes to go by so fast.

Endings are necessary to create spaces for beginnings.

The wheel keeps on turning. In congregational life, ministers come and go. The church continues on.

And with every leave-taking in our lives, it is seldom as simple as it seems. People don’t just part. Shakespeare put it well, “You residing here go with me and I, leaving remain with you.”

Three ministers were asked, “When you’re in your casket, and friends and congregational members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?”

The first said: “I would like them to say I was a wonderful partner and parent and a fine spiritual leader.”

The second said: “I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people’s lives.”

The Unitarian Universalist minister said: “I’d like them to say, “Look, she’s moving!”

As we retire from active ministry, however different our lives might be, we hope people will be able to say, look they’re still moving!”

At this time of big transitions, we have been having some important conversations with our family. Last night after the lovely, fun farewell party you hosted, we were sitting in the living room of our new home, we were talking about finances, aging, hopes, and possibilities. As we talked about what we hope is in a distant future, both of us said we never wanted to live in a vegetative state, dependent on a machine and kept alive by fluids from a bottle. Bill said, “If that ever happens, just pull the plug.” Hearing himself, he got up and unplugged his computer and threw out his wine.

We do hope the unplugging from church life will bring us some rest and reflection. Then we hope for a next healthy chapter of learning, exploring, and life!

We are glad for these months since the end of January until now, the beginning of June.

We have had many opportunities to remember, appreciate, and make a good goodbye.

We believe you and we now are pretty ready to say “Hello” to what’s next.

The interim ministry is a chance for all of you to make changes, try new things, and strengthen others as you enter a new healthy chapter of learning, exploring and life!

You will build on your strengths. You have received this hilltop and this building for your church home.

Your greatest strength is you, the members. You give of your heart and soul to care for this church, to have excellence in your music program and religious education classes. You care for and support one another. You warmly welcome visitors.

Members continue to carry forward theologian Bernie Loomer’s seminars in the Personal Theology Sunday morning programs.

Members coordinate and facilitate small group Chalice Circles where participants share deeply and listen to one another.

Members build on relationships with the Read Aloud program in the Richmond schools and with the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, to partner with CCISCO, to get more involved with interfaith community organizing work for justice.

You have committed, strong lay leaders. They are helping all of you ask the hard questions about building maintenance, land use, and considering how to be visible and vital in the larger world.   Your super capital campaign team led your raising funds to maintain and improve your building and grounds.

Among your many strengths are no mortgage and a retreat center in Sonoma County.

You have so much upon which to build.

You are so capable of big and beautiful things!

Exciting new good chapters are ahead for you!

Thank you for these eighteen years together.

How do we thank one another?

You continue to make a church, create an on-going institution, a home for members. You shape a loving community, influence the wider world toward justice and goodness.

How do we pay back those who have handed so much on to us?

We pass the good, the learning, the caring on. We pass it on to someone else, to next generations. We keep this love moving. Look around and pass it on.

Up, up and away! Your spirits keep on burning and your lights shining!

Bill: Goodbye.

Barb: Thank you!

Bill: Loving blessings!

Barb: Goodbye.

Bill: Thank you!

Barb: Blessings always!


A Litany of Parting and the Congregational Recommitment to UUCB’s Mission

Jean Gleason, President of the Board of Trustees: Barbara and Bill, as you move into retirement, our congregation has voted to recognize your ministries and honor you, Rev. Bill Hamilton-Holway as Minister Emeritus and you, Rev. Barbara Hamilton-Holway, as Minister Emerita of our congregation.

The time has come to release our ministers from their active ministry with us. In our free churches, the relationship we are about to relinquish rests wholly between the people of the congregation and those they have chosen as their ministers. Barbara and Bill will always be ordained Unitarian Universalist ministers, but this act is a symbol of the completion of their active ministry with us, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley.

Will the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley rise in body or in spirit as you are able and join me in this act of relinquishment?

Congregation: Barbara and Bill, you have ministered to us, listened to us, companioned us, led us, and worked side by side with us. Even when weary, you have stayed with us, offering a ministry of wholeness and holiness. You have given your whole selves to this ministry and always tried to give us your very best. May both of you know your labors have not been in vain; may you come to know the abundance of your devoted endeavors. By the authority of our common spirit, we release you, Barbara Hamilton-Holway and you, Bill Hamilton-Holway from the ministry of this congregation.

The Revs. Barbara and Bill Hamilton-Holway: We are honored, humbled and grateful to have served as your ministers.

Congregation: You have been with us in good times and difficult ones, shared our losses and celebrated our joys. There is both grief and gladness in the completion of your ministries. We will miss you so there is sadness. This is also an act of joy for we wish you a deep and resounding yes to all that is possible for you in the next chapters of your lives. By these words, we, with sorrow and joy, relinquish our covenant with you and bid you a fond farewell.

The Revs. Barbara and Bill Hamilton-Holway: There is both grief and gladness for us as we complete our ministries with you. We will miss you so there is sadness. This is also an act of joy for we wish you a deep and resounding yes to all that is possible for you in the next chapters of this congregation’s life. And we, with sorrow and joy, officially relinquish our covenant with you and bid you a fond farewell.

Jean Gleason, President of the Board of Trustees: Will the ushers now bring the offering forward as members and friends join in recommitment to the mission of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley:

We dedicate our offerings and ourselves
to the mission of this congregation
to create loving community, inspire spiritual growth,
and encourage lives of integrity, joy, and service.

Copyright © 2014, Reverends Bill and Barbara Hamilton-Holway, Ministers Emeriti of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley. All Rights Reserved.