A Special Note of Thanks

Hello everyone,

Your River of Life mosaic mural is done! I invite you all to go have a look at it – it’s in the breezeway above the Safir Room.

I am writing to thank all of you who participated in this mosaic – either with your donations, your mosaic skills or both. As the artist, I have written about this project on my blog, on Facebook and other social media. I recount how you were asked to bring in offerings from your lives, your families, your memories, histories and experiences; bits and pieces, trinkets, tidbits and knick knacks – all entrusted to me as the artist.  The story of the River of Life mural, as with the Tree of Life mural before it, brings tears to people’s eyes again and again.

I want to thank you all for your trust, your generosity and most of all for your playful spirits. You saw tables covered with a mosaic project and you jumped right in and added your personal artistry.

The River of Life is getting rave reviews as does your Tree of Life and the Peace Dove too.  Your human-ness is touching people around the globe.

If you wish, you can see my blog here at http://kimlarsonart.blogspot.com/

Congratulations and thank you again,

Kim Larson

Please enjoy the slideshow of images which portray the creation of “River of Life” mosaic dedicated to long-time UUCB member and “Church Mouse,” Joan P. Swift.
