Topic: Vision

Wake Now Our Vision

This week in worship we will explore potential future directions our congregation might to take as we strive to deeply live out our purpose as a liberal religious community in the East Bay. Note: we will have our first annual All Church Evacuation Drill at the end of the service.

Beyond Certainty

Nothing in life is certain, but we often live as if it is. Join us as we seek after something deeper and more meaningful than certainty.

In Search of the ‘Real’ America

As we get closer to November’s election, the President and his administration continue to refer only to some people as “real” Americans. So, where does that leave everyone else? This week in worship we will reconsider our faith’s central affirmation that all people have inherent worth, and how this simple yet bold claim is the moral foundation our nation most needs right now.

Labor and Pleasure

We think of labor as hard, as grinding, as painful. This sense is as old as Eve, as old as life itself. But is that the only way? What if labor could be a pleasure?