Topic: Memory

Pray Like a Humanist

There is an old joke about how Unitarian Universalists begin our prayers that is intended to mock us for the religious pluralism of our membership and the belief in continuously unfolding truth we advocate. The truth in the joke is that Unitarian Universalists do pray even when not to a higher power or for a particular reason: often, we do not even call our practices of presence or mindfulness prayer. Join us for an exploration of some of the ways we do and do not pray as UUs and how we might pray like a Humanist.

Living Forwards

As Kierkegaard said “Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards.” This week in worship we will wrestle with how to honor the past without being limited by it.

Remembrance Sunday

This Sunday we honor and remember our ancestors and all we’ve loved and lost. Everyone is invited to bring a picture or other small item to place on the altar that represents someone you wish to remember.