Topic: Creativity

Memories and Memorials

Memorial Day is more than the traditional start to summer. How do we remember about our past, especially the wars we have fought and the soldiers who lost their lives fighting for their country, in way that promotes healing and spiritual growth?

The Ends Are Just the Beginning

Visa International founder Dee Hock said “Make an empty space in any corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.” This week in worship we will empty some space in our minds and hearts for creativity to fill us as we begin to think about the future of our congregation. The annual budget meeting will immediately follow worship with childcare in the nursery.

Flower Communion

Please bring a flower of your choice to church and place it in one of the large vases at the front of the sanctuary before worship begins. Don’t worry – if you forget to bring a flower we will have plenty of extra so that everyone can participate in this much-beloved Unitarian tradition. This is a service for all ages.

Doctors of Durability

Each year this congregation bestows a special honor upon members who have turned 80. This week in worship we will welcome our newest “Doctors of Durability” and hear wisdom from some elders as we explore together how to grow in resilience.