Topic: Beginnings

Practicing Being Human

11 a.m.

Every week in worship we affirm our mission as a congregation to “inspire spiritual growth and encourage lives of integrity, joy, and service.” Join us this Sunday as we explore how and why our greatest work as a church is forming healthy, vibrant Unitarian Universalists, or as James Luther Adams used to say, practicing being human. As part of this service, people of all ages are invited to bring their backpacks, laptop bags, and briefcases to church for our first-ever Blessing of the Backpacks! This will kick off the new year of learning and growing ahead of us and the first day of our fall Religious Education classes for children and youth! (ALSO WELCOME Balacz scholar, Lidia-Emese Bodor.)

Water Communion

11:00 a.m.

This Sunday don’t forget to bring a small jar or bottle of water from a special place or experience in your life this summer. Whether collected from last winter’s impressive rains, from Lake Tahoe, or just from the garden hose, the waters we each bring will be mingled with some from ceremonies in years past. We use this water to bless our service together for the year ahead and throughout the year to bless our children. This is a service for all ages and as always childcare is available for babies, toddlers, and young children.

Emmett Till – Beyond the Horizon

11:00 a.m.

The future we envision lives in the reality of our present struggles. Taking a look at the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s to the present Black Lives Matter. How do we find our footing to stand on the side of love in the midst of so much hatred?

Living Waters

9:30 and 11:15 am

Join us this Ingathering Sunday to share in our annual Water Ceremony tradition and welcome one another back to church after all manner of summer journeys! Everyone is invited to bring a small container of water that represents a special place or experience in your life this summer. Whether from a vacation to Lake Tahoe or just the hose you use to water your garden, the water you bring will be mingled with water from ceremonies in years past. It is this water, made sacred by the intention of our community throughout the generations that we use to dedicate new babies and children among us.


11:00 am Beginnings: As our new co-ministers begin their work here, we talk about new beginnings!