Alive in an Earthquake (The Gift of a False Start)

Rev. Samantha Wilson, preaching; Karen Elliott, Worship Associate. (This was to be Rev. Marcus’s first service, but he unfortunately has Covid!) Facebook Live and YouTube “Alive in an Earthquake (The Gift of a False Start)” How do we be with what is vulnerable – even here, on the precipice of this new beginning with your called minister? We stay in relationships when we embrace what is dynamic from the start. We look to each seemingly steady precipice in wonder. We stay on the crumbling edges together, belly to the shaking ground. Rev. Dr. Samantha Wilson is a Unitarian Universalist minister, community psychologist, conflict engagement and restorative justice practitioner. She serves as a Hope for Us Conflict Engagement Coach with the UUA. She works with people inside and outside of the prison system, with families, schools, organizations, and congregations as they navigate harm, violence, misconduct, conflict, and change.    In Person Coffee Hour Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.