Rev. Marcus Liefert’s Installation Ceremony

[This event is now over. See pictures of the installation ceremony here.]

Let’s celebrate Rev. Marcus’ installation as our settled minister with a ceremony and party.  Everyone in the congregation is invited to attend this important event, which honors our mutual commitment to sharing the ministry of UUCB, our joy in having made that commitment, and our dreams for our congregation’s future.  Please read on for important information about the installation ceremony and how you can participate in marking this important congregational milestone – bring dessert to share, participate in a textile art project, contribute your hopes and dreams to be planted in our garden, or just attend and celebrate with your congregational community!

If you are watching online, here are links to:

Installation Order of Service

Guide & Activity Booklet for all Ages

Hosted Virtual Coffee Hour via Zoom following the Installation ceremony

Meeting ID: 913 713 6420
