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The Rev. Dr. Jeanne Foster
How many universes has it taken to bring us here, exactly where we are on the life path? “Each voice sings its note of eternity” (John Tarrant, The Light Inside the Dark).
Jeanne Foster grew up in New Orleans. She is Professor Emerita at Saint Mary’s College of California. She is also a Unitarian Universalist minister. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals; among them are Hudson Review, The Southern Review, APR, Narrative Magazine, Paris Review. Her first poetry book, A Blessing of Safe Travel, won the Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Award. Her latest book of poems, Goodbye, Silver Sister, was released by Northwestern University Press. Among her other books are Appetite: Food as Metaphor (BOA), an anthology of poems by women, and a critical work, A Music of Grace: the Sacred in Contemporary American Poetry, which asks the question, Is there still sacred ground to stand on? She is co-translator of The Living Theatre: Selected Poems of Bianca Tarozzi (BOA), which won the Northern California Book Award for Poetry in Translation. She has received grants from New York State Creative Artists Public Service (CAPS) Foundation, MacDowell Colony, Tulane University Poet-in-Residence, Saint Lawrence Foundation, and Lannan Foundation.
She is the former minister of the Unitarian Universalist Society in Modesto. She sings in the choir and was formerly a Worship Associate at UUCB.
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