Doctors of Durability

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube

Doctors of Durability: In this annual UUCB tradition, we’ll celebrate our members who are “80 and better” and the resilience and durability they have found. As a bonus, this year we’ll also hear some thoughts from those just starting their studies in durability. (note: at the request of honorees, there will be no luncheon this year for covid safety)

In Person Coffee Hour in the Atrium and Virtual Coffee Hour on Zoom both immediately following worship on Sundays
After worship we invite you to either come to the Atrium or switch over to Zoom for a time to connect. The link to Virtual Coffee Hour is listed below, but we will also share it in the comments on the Facebook Live feed during worship.

Click here to join us:
Meeting ID: 332 046 821
Password: 810131

