Building Our Own Theology

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Unitarian Universalism’s 4th principle states that we affirm “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning” for each of us. It is a fundamental part of our faith, and I expect a part that drew many of us here. Our own truths matter, and there isn’t a creed or belief system that UUism compels us to agree to. To me, it’s one of the most beautiful things about our faith. We’ll explore what it means today.

Board of Trustees Candidates Forum (No Coffee Hour)
January 30, Immediately After Worship

Get to know the Board of Trustees Candidates in this informative and interactive forum during the Coffee Hour time slot. The outstanding candidates for the three, three-year seats are: Michael ArmstrongBeth Pollard (incumbent), and Pier Sun Ho.
More Details and Candidate Statements.


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