UUCB @ SF Pride Parade
10:15 am - 1:30 pm
Join with the UU Church of Berkeley, other Bay Area UU Congregations, and UUCB Friends as we march in this year’s SF Pride Parade on June 26. The theme of this year’s SF Pride Parade is Racial and Economic Justice and the Grand Marshal of the parade is Black Lives Matter! UU Congregations will be marching with our congregational #BlackLivesMatter banners.
Since the events of June 12, the Pride Parades all over the country and world have taken on crucial importance. Unitarian Universalists will join with the thousands of marchers and spectators in demanding that Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer lives be protected.
Join the UUCB Community and Friends Contingent on June 26th at SF Pride. Contact Jean Hyams from UUCB at jean@levyvinick.com for more information and to let us know that you’ll be marching.
Following the parade, join us in continuing to work for racial and LGBTQ justice. Join our Confronting Racism project uucb.org/justice/racism/, our Ceasefire walks in Richmond to end gun violence, and our continuing work to Stand on the Side of Love for Queer and Trans people uucb.org/justice/lgbt-equality/