The Power of Conflict Resilience!
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Fireside Room
Led by Rev. Cathleen Cox
Suggested Donation: $20
To register email Lonnie Moseley or call (510) 655‐1444
Spiritual transformation happens when we bridge the gap between affirming our UU values in principle and having the communication skills and underlying consciousness to live and model them.
This is the work that makes our covenants real! Explore the transformative shift which builds resilience and confidence in the face of rising tension, making it possible to work through conflicts and tough decisions wherever they arise. Discover the path to solutions that really do benefit everyone!
This workshop will be highly interactive with a blend of presentation, discussion, role play and small group exercises. Come prepared for learning, surprise, community – and fun!
Plan on leaving this workshop with a clear and accessible set of communication and problem solving tools that will enable you to use conflict constructively. You’ll be able to stay positively and authentically connected to everyone in a stressful situation (including yourself!) and help others do the same.
Rev. Cathleen Cox is a Community Minister for UUCB, spiritual director, teacher, certified dream worker and workshop facilitator. Rev. “Cat” was the 2002 recipient of the Margaret Fuller Award of UU Women’s Federation. Her website, “Path of Joy,” offers articles and resources for living a life of joy.