11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8

The Power of Silence

The power of air is the power of silence, of clearing away the buzz of constant distractions so that we can listen to what is truly important both inside us and around us. Through both practicing silence themselves and by listening intently to the sounds around them and sounds drawn from nature, participants learn about the cost of the incessant noise of our modern world and how we can create spaces of peaceful silence.


Take Home

What kind of ambient noise is there typically in your household? Do children do homework with music, television or videos playing? Do you generally have music, television, or videos playing during meals, or when people are simply relaxing together? Do you have times when you silence as much background noise as possible? If so, when and why?

Take a trip to a forest preserve, park or rural area to listen for the sounds of nature. Perhaps, like acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton, family members will want to record the sounds they hear. Take note of how long you can go without hearing a human-made sound, such as an airplane or car.


Check it out: Session 7