11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8

Our Heritage’s Calling

In this session, we turn to the phrase in the Blake covenant which encourages us to “help one another.” Today we will highlight our Unitarian Universalist heritage of persisting through obstacles to help others when we are called to do so, demonstrate, through the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, how our faith heritage calls us to help others, and demonstrate how working together cooperatively can produce better results than working alone.


Take Home:

Discuss and explore times in your life when you reached a goal despite many obstacles. Talk about how you handled the adversity and share what drove you to continue pursuing your goal.


Pass a basket of stones around for each family member to select one. While they hold a stone in the palm of their hand, invite each person to share something (or someone) that makes them feel stronger or keeps them going when they need help or assistance.


Check it out: Session 14