11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8

*New Curriculum*


The Power of Earth

This program uses the metaphor of the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—to look at ways we can exercise our power in the world. It encourages participants to explore their sources of strength and to think and act as leaders who affect change.


Take Home

Talk about the various ways members of your family are connected. What interests do you have in common? What friends do you have in common? How are you all connected to your neighborhood, your congregation, your city, and your country?

How are you connected to the earth? As a family, spend time on an earth-based activity: Pull weeds in a garden, plant herbs in pots, dig for worms, or build a sand castle.


Check it out: Session 1