4th-5th Grade
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8
A Heritage of Love
Our beloved communities are places where people are tied together through the spirit of love. This heritage comes to us from the ideas of liberal Christians who rejected the concept of an angry, vengeful God in favor of a loving God who would not torture “his children” by sending them to a place of everlasting torment but, after death, would welcome them into his fold like a loving parent. Today we will introduce the Universalist heritage of love which comes to us from our Universalist roots and lift up an early feminist writer from our faith tradition, demonstrate how an emphasis on love creates an environment of acceptance and fosters cooperation, and provide experiences where participants act to fulfill our third Principle, “encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.”
Take Home
Discuss what “the spirit of love” means to you. How do you see the spirit of love embodied in your Unitarian Universalist congregation? How does the heritage of love from Universalism manifest itself elsewhere in your life? What are some ways you pass on this heritage of love to others in your congregation? Sing the song “Spirit of Life” together as a family. How does the song’s image or idea of a divine presence reflect to the Universalist perspective of God as love?
Check it out: Session 2