11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office

Create Magic, Change the World

In this session, participants explore the third Unitarian Universalist Principle, acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations. Children hear a contemporary story about Aisha, a pagan Unitarian Universalist girl, who celebrates the harvest holiday Lammas at a peace rally. During the celebration, she finds the courage to take the stage and lend her voice to the gathering.


Take Home

Pay attention to the evening skies for a few months, including the waxing and waning of the moon. On a clear night when the moon is full, take a family walk, preferably in a natural setting that is familiar to you and safe, with well-marked trails. When you return home, finish the evening with sparkling fruit juice or hot cider, cocoa, or tea or to celebrate the seasonal harvest in your locality or somewhere far away.


Check it Out: Session 7