Category: News

Coming May 7 — The All Church Spring Gala!

Ann Harlow, Ira Nelken and Gail Simpson

Mark your calendar now for the social event of the spring season, featuring desserts, dancing (live band!) and a silent auction. Please think about donating goods and services to the auction, soliciting donations from businesses you frequent, and/or participating … read more.

Recycling to Benefit UUCB

The Jewelry Table will be selling on Sundays, Nov. 1 and 15, from 10 to 11 am and after the 11 am service to 1 pm. Begin your holiday gift shopping now and/or donate your beautiful used jewelry for others to buy and enjoy.

Could you … read more.

Thanksgiving 2015

For many years there has been a community dinner at UUCB on Thanksgiving Day. The last few years, the turkey and some of the trimmings have been catered by Richie Dawkins, but he’s not available this year. If you would like to organize it as … read more.

Altar Flowers

We need HELP to continue the service of creating weekly altar designs for our sanctuary! The altar flower group has lost two members, and we really need other people to join us, as there are four or five Sundays to cover each month. Do you … read more.

We Have a New Website!

Using the new WordPress Theme created by the UUA, we are delighted to have launched our new site. We hope you like it!

Alternatives for Community and Environment

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New Officers Elected

The Annual Meeting of First Parish in Needham took place at 7pm on Sunday evening, May 17, in the Meetinghouse.

Commit2Respond: A Call to Action for UUs

As the need to address global climate change becomes increasingly urgent, UU’s have responded by launching the Commit2Respond initiative. Through Commit2Respond, individuals, congregations, and organizations are being asked to commit to take action in the next two years in each of three ways.

Starting Theme-based Ministry

Phasellus eu risus eget augue tincidunt scelerisque. Suspendisse tincidunt, leo id faucibus pellentesque, justo dui posuere nibh, nec ultricies nisi metus id metus. Nullam hendrerit nulla leo, a vehicula ex elementum sed. Nulla sagittis felis sit amet facilisis ornare. Aenean congue arcu tellus, et tincidunt … read more.

Wonderful Wednesdays!

Gather at 5:30pm – Dinner at 6pm – Vespers at 7pm
Enjoy dinner with your friends at church, catered by Richie Dawkins. Vesper service is at 7pm, followed by many activities.

Reservations: suppers (at) or sign the sheet outside the office. Deadline is … read more.