Category: Personal Theology

Sundays, September through May at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room
The Personal Theology program was founded by Bernard Loomer, former Dean of the Divinity School at University of Chicago and leader in Process Theology. It was led by Martha Helming from 1991 to 2014. Participants listen to and engage with theological and spiritual leaders, as well as present their own topics and spiritual journeys. Seminars pursue the UU values of drawing inspiration from diverse traditions and deepening the spiritual life. This program is supported by contributions from the audience.
Personal Theology Committee: Barbara Rockhold, Chairperson; Gloria Merrill, Treasurer; Kit Hewitt, Secretary; Dave Rockhold, Dwight Merrill, Mac Lingo, audio technicians.

Fall / Winter 2015-16 Seminars

September 6:  James Hilgendorf, filmmaker and author of nine non-fiction books; co-producer of The Tribute Series, several of which have appeared on PBS and international television. “Waking up to Who We Really Are: Ideas from Some of the World’s Great Thinkers.”

September 13:  Robert Fuller, past … read more.