Category: CCISCO

CCISCO Report, July 2015

Rally for Community Justice in Richmond

On June 4th, about 10 members of UUCB attended the major rally in Richmond organized by CCISCO and coalition allies to support a strong Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) with UC Berkeley regarding the new Berkeley Global Campus they are planning … read more.

CCISCO Report, June 2015

On Saturday March 14, members of UUCB assisted CCISCO (Contra Costa Interfaith Community Organization) in presenting a Bay Area Clergy Leadership conference with the theme of “A Theology of Resistance.” The key note presenter was the Rev. Ben McBride, who has been a leader of … read more.

CCISCO Report, Apr. 2015

On Saturday March 14, members of UUCB assisted CCISCO in presenting a Bay Area clergy leadership conference with the theme of “A Theology of Resistance.” The keynote presenter was the Rev. Ben McBride, who has been a leader of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, and … read more.

CCISCO Update, Feb. 2015

Members of the congregation continue to work actively with our community-organizing partners at Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization (CCISCO). Currently, we are focusing on two main projects: “Ceasefire” and the proposed University of California campus to be built in Richmond. A number of us … read more.

“Black Lives Matter” Action

Members of UUCB were privileged to be part of a protest march and “die-in” in Berkeley on Sunday, December 14, marking “Black Lives Matter” Sunday. It was a beautiful opportunity for clergy and laity alike from different faith traditions to march together in solidarity. something … read more.

CCISCO Update, December 2014

UUCB members have been busy working on social justice projects with CCISCO. Congregants played an active role in getting out the vote in West Contra Costa County. Proposition 47, which we were supporting, was passed overwhelmingly in California. Although we do not support candidates, of … read more.

Prayer Vigil for Mike Brown and Ferguson, MO

Dear UUCB Community,

As I have become more involved with CCISCO activities, I have learned that we UUs are thought of by many as “the people who show up.” Yesterday, I received an invitation from CCISCO organizer and pastor, the Rev. Donnell Jones, to participate in a … read more.


Through the summer, many members of the congregation are continuing their activities with CCISCO (Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization). We would love to have you join us for any of these activities, at which we are both making progress and having fun.

We continue to … read more.

UUCB’s CCISCO Team was Busy in April

Volunteers at UUCB have participated in a wide range of projects since our congregation affiliated with CCISCO. Within our church community, we continue with our conversations aimed at engaging more and more UUCB members with CCISCO. For example, we have been meeting with Merrin Clough, … read more.