Category: Justice

December 2023 Good Neighbor

Safe Return Program

The Safe Return Team is a group of formerly incarcerated Richmond residents working to strengthen the relationship of people coming home from incarceration with the broader community.

Good Neighbor Information and Sharing Session

Thursday, November 30
7-9pm on zoom 

How can you help choose UUCB’s 2024 Good Neighbors? 

Make sure to read this document which includes the mission statements and websites for all of the nominated non profits. Or, to find out more, you can talk … read more.

August 2023 Good Neighbor

No More Tears

No More Tears (NMT) is a violence- and crime-prevention program founded in 2002 by men incarcerated at San Quentin and concerned citizens both seeking to remedy the rise of violent crime in their communities and reduce the recidivism rate … read more.