Category: Treasurer’s Notes

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From the Treasurer, March 2017

The year of the Red Fire Rooster begins with a deluge. I have been watching over and over and over Sister Rosetta Tharpe on YouTube, “Didn’t It Rain,” while waiting for the rain to let up.

It was raining cash late last year with a few … read more.

Treasurer @ UUCB, September 2015

Signs of the Unseen. Most days Jalal Adin Rumi’s book of essays remains unseen on my nightstand, collecting dust.

Signs of the Unseen is my constant meditation. The sands at Ocean Beach are constantly changing. Their southward journey is mostly unseen as they are replaced by … read more.

Treasurer @ UUCB, August 2015

I am very pleased that UUCB member Mary Muehlbach will become UUCB treasurer, effective August 1. Mary has a strong financial background (including non–profit senior management), and has been a member of the Financial Advisory Council as well as one of our “money counting” … read more.

Treasurer @ UUCB, July 2015

A bequest of $10,000 from the estate of Jane Lucken raises our projected surplus to $15,000 for the year.  Though pledges continue to underrun for this year (a projected deficit of $22,000), strong performance continues in community rentals and various program revenues.  A big thanks … read more.

Treasurer @ UUCB, June 2015

On Sunday, May 17, the congregation approved a budget that shifted $50,000 from the “keep the lights on/administrative” side of the budget (the left side of the chart below) to the programs, ministry, and music that make this church come alive (the right side).  The … read more.

Treasurer @ UUCB, May 2015

Two items of good news:

February was a great month for pledge payments – putting us within range of wiping out the projected deficit for the fiscal year. Thank you!
Thanks to the tremendous pledge response from our congregation community, the budget that will be submitted to … read more.

Treasurer @ UUCB, Apr. 2015

Initial returns for pledges for the coming fiscal year are inspiring. As of March 16, 74 of 89 pledges so far have increased 20% or more, qualifying for the challenge pool that has grown to just over $27,000. We are truly in this together.

Our requests … read more.

Treasurer @, Mar. 2015

Item 9 on my 2-year Treasurer’s “To Do” list is “Identify and communicate challenges”.

My first congregational meeting in February, 2014 identified the impacts of our shrinking membership. Since that time, we have dropped another 44 members. Using a model I created last summer that allows … read more.

Treasurer @, Jan. 2015

Revenues are currently underrunning nearly $30,000, as expected due to nearly $35,000 less than forecast in pledging, and the decision by one of our tenants to not take a second classroom in our building. This means that unless something changes, we will not be making … read more.