Category: Membership News

Membership Outreach

Sept. 13 – UUCB on Solano  We will be hosting our annual UUCB Solano Stroll booth on Sunday, September 13, from 9am to 6pm. This is our chance to put our best face forward before the 200,000+ people who are out on Solano for the day. We … read more.

New Name Tags Are Here!

Members! Our beautiful new name tags are ready and waiting at the Welcome Table. They come with a hands–free holder — easy to put on and no more ugly pin–holes in your clothes! And now names are BIG ENOUGH so people can actually read them! … read more.

Living Our Faith Out Loud

What would it be like to be “out” as Unitarian Universalists?  Our faith tradition has good news that is itching to be shared.  That we are all connected much more than we know.  That there is an embracing love available to us, and all we … read more.

Next Membership Night!

Thursday, July 30, 2015, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

PotLuck, Vespers, Connections, Information, Sharing Your Story, and Love! Wow!

Are you considering membership at UUCB? Or have you visited a few times and are curious what the UUCB community is all about? If you answered yes to either … read more.

The Ideal UUCB Member — For Me!

Those of you who know me, know I’m a fairly opinionated person (“Fairly opinionated!!?” said my friend, Carol Carlisle, in astonishment). Ok, I have strong points of view and I like talking and interacting with people who also have strong points of view (Elizabeth Hutchins).

So, … read more.

Membership News, March 2015

At the first Membership Night in January, Rev. Greg quoted Rev. Mark Morrison Reid that the role of the church is to transform society. I loved that. At the same time, Rev. Greg said that the role of the church was to also help us … read more.

Membership News, February 2015

Welcomed into What?

“Ok, don’t get me wrong, I feel plenty welcomed. I just don’t know what the heck I’m being welcomed into. I want to know how this church works!”

That was a statement made to me from a woman who had been coming to UUCB … read more.

Membership Signings at UUCB

Meet with the Ministers, Have Lunch, Talk about your Journey, Sign the Membership Book


If UUCB feels like the place and community where you can bring your whole self, your commitment to social justice, your care for yourself and others and a commitment to our children … read more.

Membership and Engagement, July 2014

Sunday, July 20 at 12:15 p.m.
Pathways to Engagement and Membership, Minister’s Office

Sunday, July 27 at 12:15 p.m.
Becoming a Member, Minister’s Office

A Ministry of Membership

A Ministry of Membership – Do you feel called to growing UUCB in spirit, diversity, justice, our ability to make a difference in the world, and yes, in numbers?  We’ll be talking about all of this, setting priorities, and forming action teams at the Membership … read more.