Category: Community Ministers

Got Support?

This is a relatively large congregation and, as such, it stands to reason that many of us need help. There are times when we may just be sick and tired of hearing ourselves complain. After all, there is always something to complain about. And if … read more.

From Promise to Commitment

The theme of next year’s GA, “From Promise to Commitment,” lifts up crucial questions for all UUs.  What promises are we willing to make one another?  What does it take to follow through on them?  Unlike many religious communities, we are a covenant based faith, … read more.

Sensing the Spirit with Sonya

Yesterday I had the pleasure of delivering several of your prayer flags to Gov. Brown’s office.

It was a very small thing – dressing up in robe and stole, sheparding baskets of prayer flags and cards from people around the state collected by PICO through security, … read more.