Lynne Cahoon, Jane Lundin, Linda Laskowski and Natalie Cambell

Over the years I have been in Chalice Circles, and co-led a couple with my husband.  When he died, and I felt in need of a comforting community, I thought of Chalice Circles.  My husband had been in one particularly for scientists, so I knew it was possible to have circle for a target population.  My proposal for a Chalice Circle for folks whose partners died was accepted.  Hilary Lorraine’s husband died soon after mine, and she agreed to co-lead a group.  I have found it a comfort to talk to others who are going through the same emotional trauma that I am.  It is reassuring to find people kind, helpful and patiently willing to listen to me.  I am grateful to have a loving community.

–Lynne Cahoon

I’ve been in quite a few Chalice Circles. Each time I’ve come away with a new friend or two, folks I know and can greet by name instead of just passing them in the aisle. The members of the ongoing circle for the bereaved have become my very close friends; joining after my husband died rescued me from the guilt I felt because I was unable to fix his depression or care for him at home.

–Jane Lundin

I am always amazed at the quiet people who may initially say very little, but end up coming out with profound and amazing comments as they learn to trust the group process.

— Linda Laskowski

I have joined two UU churches in my adulthood. Both times, I attended a chalice circle for a year before becoming a member of the church. The small group setting of chalice circles allowed me to get to know other congregation members on a much deeper level than only going to Sunday services ever could.

— Natalie Campbell