How to Navigate this Site

screenshot myuucb

UUCB’s new web site format debuted on May 1, 2015.

Visually, it is simpler, brighter, and, we hope, more inviting to both visitors and members.

In order to gear the front page content to visitors and attract them to UUCB, some of the familiar items which you, as a member, might miss can be found clicking the “My UUCB” located in the upper right corner of every page on the site, shown here ->screenshot myuucb

This member-oriented section is where you will find the weekly announcements, information about the UUCB Board of Trustees, Beacon newsletter archives, online pledge payments, and much, much more.

Other items, which were freely available on the old site, have been relocated to a secure, password-protected area of the new site.  You will need to 1) be a member-in-good-standing of UUCB, 2) if you don’t already have a login ID and password, you’ll need to register on the site, 3) have your account approved by the site administrator, and 3) login to the site when your account is approved. 

In the secure area, you’ll find documents for member-use-only, such as Board Meeting minutes, the “green sheet,” and articles like the “Tree of Life” which contain sensitive information about members’ health, and other joys and concerns about the UUCB community.

Please contact the the UUCB Office if you need help navigating the new site or have questions about it.