Learning for Children and Youth at UUCB


learningUUCB has a vibrant family community, a soulful, fun and engaging religious education program for toddlers through teenagers, supportive and compassionate family ministry and pastoral care, and classes and groups for deeply sharing and exploring our paths as parents, partners, and families.  UUCB families are LGBT and straight together, partnered and single, and are every color of the human rainbow.

Grounded in the rich tradition of Unitarian Universalist Religious Education, we seek not to imprint our beliefs on the minds of our children. Rather we affirm that each and every one of us is wise, that each and every one of us knows something about truth and beauty.

Our classes are empowering and honoring of each member.  We seek to create a covenanted space in which facilitators and participants alike can become more loving, more whole and more connected.

Our classes are infused with exploration and wonder, that they are sometimes messy and always engaging, that they can hold complexity and flexibility, and that they are created as a singular reflection of those present on any given day.

It is our hope that this program helps our children, youth and families love one another into purpose and action.