12:00 am

We will be starting enrollments this Sunday, September 2nd, and every Sunday thereafter up until October 7th!

What are Chalice Circles??

Chalice Circles are “small group ministries” of 6-10 people that meet bi-weekly and center on deep and appreciative listening. Speak from your own heart without interruption or commentary on a variety of topics the group chooses. Come experience self-revelation and renewal of spirit through this unique practice.

Registration begins in September with the first circles starting up in October.  A registration table will be set up in the Social Hall, or contact Lenore Ralston, Registrar  (Ralston@berkeley.edu), 510-527-0696.

We hope you have had wonderful summers. 🙂 !

The Chalice Team:  Joanne Wile, Dick Sherman, Cynthia Asprodites, Lisa Maynard, and Lenore Ralston