High School
11:17 am - 12:15 pm
Meditation Room
Each week our youth spend time discussing the same themes addressed in our main worship service. Our worship theme this month is Prophecy.
This morning’s sermon title is “Resist and Release”. Description: While anger at injustice can be useful in fueling our work to build a better world, it can easily turn into exhaustion and bitterness. Join us for a worship experience about why our call is to work not for domination but liberation for all, and a ritual to release the grudges that have built up in our hearts.
About the worship theme Prophecy – When we hear the word “prophecy” we often think of the biblical prophets, or Islam’s prophet Muhammad, or a prediction delivered by a mysterious figure with legendary powers. But at is core, prophecy is just the act of speaking truth to power, usually when that truth threatens to destabilize the status quo. This month, as our country enters a time of uncertain power dynamics, worship at UUCB will encourage us to explore our heritage of prophesy, and consider how and where we are being called to speak our truths.