GRIP Harmony Walk
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Come walk with us in this year’s Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP) Harmony Walk, followed by a community festival. The Harmony Walk is a chance to build community with our interfaith neighbors while raising money for GRIP, which provides shelter and resources for homeless families.
9 am Registration begins
10 am Warm-ups and Walk/Run
11 am Festival with music and food trucks
WHERE: Nicholl Park, at MacDonald Ave and 31st Street in Richmond.
Contact: Ray Westergard
(510) 904-4145,
If you want to make a financial contribution (tax deductible), please make your check payable to UUCB with “GRIP Harmony Walk” on the memo line, and simply put your check in the Sunday collection basket. If you are raising money from people outside UUCB, you can have them make the checks out to GRIP Harmony Walk and bring them to the Walk with you. Turn in $100 or more on the day of the Walk and get a free 31st Harmony Walk commemorative T-shirt. (Under 18 raise $25 or more for a free T-shirt!)
For more information, visit the GRIP website at or contact Ladie Malek at or Ariel Smith at