4th-5th Grade
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8
The Power of Persistence
The power of water is the power of persistence, of moving past all barriers one drop at a time, until a flood collects that can break down walls. The Burmese story “The Old Alchemist, which the children perform as a play, offers a fun twist on how persistence can turn dirt into gold.
Take Home
What sorts of things do members of your family work hard for over time? Do family members have hobbies, musical or athletic pursuits, or social/political causes that that they have persisted at over years? What have you gained from sticking with something that matters to you?
All of us can use encouragement when we are feeling the challenge of sticking to the work of achieving a goal, whether it is a homework assignment, a hobby, or a lifestyle change. Have a few ritual words to share when the going gets tough. For example, saying “step by step” can be a blessing as well as a reminder that significant goals take time and attention.
Check it out: Session 14