4th-5th Grade
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8
The Power of Presence
The power of air is the power of openness, presence, and silent witness. Although we tend to think of expressing power in terms of “doing”—pushing and acting—sometimes we express power most effectively by simply being present and bearing witness. Participants play a game in which they try to sense the presence of another.
Take Home
In what situations it is particularly difficult to be fully present to members of your family? What are situations in which your family is best able to offer one another their gift of presence? How do members of your family offer the gift of their presence to people beyond your family? Discuss with your child who they would like to give the blanket they made, and help them arrange to get the blanket to that person.
A ritual of presence can be a wonderful grounding experience for the family. At a time when everyone can be together, such as just before dinner, hold hands while each person takes the time to catch the eye of each other person in the family. Take a deep breath and release it together. You may wish to conclude by saying “Thank you for your presence.”
Check it out: Session 6