11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8

The Power of Growth

The power of the earth is the power to bring forth new life and nurture growth. In an individual, growth power can foster change in oneself and in the wider world. Participants consider the sources of their food and acknowledge how easy it is to become disconnected from the earth as the source of our sustenance. BThey create an herb garden or pot for someone else, to remind them that part of their own growth is reaching out to others.


Take Home

How does your family make ethical choices around food? Are there foods you won’t eat for ethical reasons? Are there places that you shop, or don’t shop, because of ethical considerations? How difficult is it to find fresh and healthy food near where you live? Are there neighborhoods you can think of where finding fresh food is more difficult?

Go on an ethical food-shopping trip. This might mean a trip to a farmers’ market or a store that offers local, organic produce. It might mean buying food to share with a food pantry or a neighbor, or shopping at a store whose labor practices you approve of. It might mean buying eggs from free-range chickens or milk from cows that have not been given rBGH. Talk about one change your family might make to bring some aspect of your eating in line with your values.

Before you begin a meal, take a moment to consider the food and where it originated. Thank the plants, animals, farm workers, and cook(s) who allowed you to eat this meal.


Check it out: Session 3