4th-5th Grade
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8
The chalk symbolizes the democratic process. This session provides opportunities to reflect on a variety of decision-making processes, including voting and consensus making. Reflections may include whether “majority rule” is fair. Allow time for participants to engage with the issues around consensus making and voting and the importance of negotiation and informed decision-making. Emphasize that as Unitarian Universalists we hope that people have a say in the things that concern them.
Take Home:
Use the democratic process as a family to decide on age-appropriate projects, such as what to eat for dinner, which movie to watch, or where to go on a weekend outing. Mention that Unitarian Universalism encourages people having a say in the things that concern them.
Session: #7