2nd-3rd Grade
11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office
Honor Life
The session introduces our seventh Unitarian Universalist Principle, respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, through the story of British Unitarian Beatrix Potter. The creator of Peter Rabbit not only wrote and illustrated children’s books featuring animal characters, but also related to nature as a dedicated amateur biologist, a professional farmer and the donor of many acres of countryside to England’s National Trust.
Take Home
Play a game based on the connections of an ecosystem. Have one family member self-identify as a plant or animal. The next person self-identifies as another plant or animal and tells how it relates to the first. For instance, if the first person said, “I am a bear,” the second person might say, “I am a salmon that was eaten by the bear.” The game continues as each person self-identifies in connection to the previous beings: “I am a bug that was eaten by the salmon that was eaten by the bear.” / “I am a shrub that sheltered the bug that was eaten by the salmon that was eaten by the bear.” A player who cannot add to the list of beings in relationship may start the game over by introducing a new animal or plant.
Check it Out: Session 14