2nd-3rd Grade
11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office
Keep Learning
In this session, children learn about and experience our third Unitarian Universalist Principle, acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. Children find their own individual gifts and interests affirmed as the group explores a variety of spiritual practices from singing to making a Zen garden. Children learn about Unitarian religious educator Sophia Lyon Fahs, whose innovative ideas about children’s faith development inform our congregations’ approaches to religious education today. We add the signpost “Keep Learning” to our Faithful Journeys Path.
Take Home
Affirm learning something every day with a ritual time, at dinner or before bed, for each family member to share something they learned. Identify and elevate spiritual along with intellectual or physical growth, sharing items such as “Today I remembered how important it is to really listen,” or “Today I was able to practice being calm instead of losing my temper.”
Check it out: Session 6