2nd-3rd Grade
11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office
This session introduces the concept of forgiveness. In our quest to discover what is morally good and just, forgiveness gives us an invaluable tool for strengthening our relationships and choosing compassion. It helps us identify the actions that we take that will lead to connection with others and those that may foster to bitterness. It reminds us of our similarities with one another and empowers us to keep our covenant with one another in our faith communities. It speaks to the third Unitarian Universalist principle of: acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth.
Take Home:
Today we explored how forgiveness works in our lives and our communities.
Explore: How does it feel to forgive? Does it feel like a lack of closure? Do hurt feelings go away instantly? Explore ways to cope with feelings in the face of forgiveness.
Ritual: Create a ritual themed around letting go. Perhaps release a lantern or another material object; use a fire pit or other controlled fire to burn grudges or resentments. Discuss how this makes you feel.
Check it out: Session 5