2nd-3rd Grade
11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office
Justice for All
This session teaches children about injustice and inequality in our world, and the importance of working for justice. Participants will hear a story about a kingdom in which many people do not have enough food. A dog that is larger-than-life comes to the palace and refuses to stop barking until the king has redistributed the wealth and everyone in the land has been fed. Through an “unfair snack” activity, the children will experience injustice first-hand, and then have the opportunity to turn that injustice into justice. Participants will be encouraged to be like the dog in the story, acting as allies to anyone who is oppressed, suffering, or being treated unfairly. “Fairness” will be added to the Moral Compass.
Take it Home
Adopt a practice of “barking” at injustice. Let it be a family signal that something unfair has occurred. This can bring some levity and humor to a tense situation while encouraging all family members to take responsibility for bringing attention to injustice.
Check it out: Session 13