Category: Council

Social Justice Council Potluck

Do you want to have fun, socialize with new and old friends, and share food, while talking about how to improve our world? Do you want to help our congregation live out its ministry to bring hope and change to a troubled world?

Join us on … read more.

Social Justice Council Report, Apr. 2015

On March 11, UUCB congregants gathered for our monthly social justice potluck and voted to constitute ourselves as the Social Justice Council. The group heard presentations from the Social Justice Design Team, which had been working since early January to come up with a plan … read more.

Social Justice News, Mar. 2015

Come to a Social Justice Potluck!

Want to help our congregation live out its ministry to bring hope and change to a troubled world? Want to socialize over shared food with like-minded people?

Join us on Wednesday night, March 11, at 6:00 p.m., for a social justice … read more.

Social Justice Report

In January, members of UUCB began working to implement the ideas and proposals that came out of our Justice Summit last December. At the summit, it was decided that there would be a small “Design Team” that would come up with recommendations for an ongoing … read more.