
Sunday Worship in November

Nov. 1  Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Just Doesn’t Get it, Rev. Greg with Marsha Saxton
A sermon about justice and political will – especially with respect to how lobbyists create gridlock and an insight into the number of people … read more.

Learning to Sing the Blues

Intern Zackrie outlines the life of B.B. King, who died this past May.
A Reading is adapted from a dialogue interview between the Rev. Ken Reeves and a member of an Ohio UU congregation.
With musicians Soul Rising, Rev. Greg explores spirituality and the blues.

… read more.

Wonderful Wednesdays!

Gather at 5:30pm – Dinner at 6pm – Vespers at 7pm
Enjoy dinner with your friends at church, catered by Richie Dawkins. Vesper service is at 7pm, followed by many activities.

Reservations: suppers (at) or sign the sheet outside the office. Deadline is … read more.

News from the Social Justice Council, October 2015

Monthly Interfaith Prayer Vigil – The vigil hosted by UUCB at the West County Jail last month was a powerful, prayerful experience on the theme of Love That Knows No Borders. About 75 people attended, many UUCBers wearing yellow Standing on the Side of Love T-shirts. … read more.

Partner Church News, October 2015

And now … here are the answers to last month’s quiz: 1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b.  That was a little bit of fun, but we have some serious stuff to do, too. We will be sending out a fundraising letter soon, but why wait? You … read more.

Music Matters, October 2015

October is a month full of musical adventure at UUCB. In addition to keyboard music and hymns we sing together, there will be choruses by Mozart and songs from musicals, a blues band, folk harp, and gamelan. Talk about variety in a music program!

October is … read more.

The View from Personal Theology, October 2015

Our program committee tries to offer a blend of new speakers from outside the church, old favorites such as Jeremy Taylor, and UUCB members. Occasionally a new speaker won’t be as informative or dynamic as we hoped, but we try hard to offer you all … read more.