Social Justice Project Applications

Each year the UUCB Social Justice Council presents proposals for “Sponsored” social justice projects to the congregation for its approval at the May annual meeting. A sponsored project is one that may receive congregational support in the form of resources, such as worship time, funding, etc. Congregants are always free to pursue “affiliated” projects that are publicized by the church, but lack official sponsorship.

For the current church year, the sponsored project is “Confronting Racism.” It has held several very successful events, put out educational materials, formed discussion groups, etc.

To apply for sponsorship of your project, you need to gather a group of members who commit to devoting time and energy to the project, and you must complete an application for submission to the Social Justice Council. Applications are available from Council President Nancy Kelly (Kelly) and Secretary Jane Eisenstark.

Deadline for the Applications is APRIL 1st! They should be submitted to Kelly or placed in the Social Justice mailbox in the administrative offices.”