2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sanctuary, Atrium, Terrace, Social + Kitchen

Join us for a free screening and Q&A with filmmaker Satsuki Ina, immigration lawyer Laura Craig, and Zahra Billoo, Executive Director of Council on American-islamic Relations.

Doors open at 2:30 pm

Film screens at 3 pm, runs approximately an hour

From a Silk Cocoon
offers a cautionary tale of homeland security . . . compelling . . . stretches beyond the basic facts of the Japanese-American internment experience into the dark and thorny corners of “perceived military necessity” that is just as frightening and relevant now as it was when it happened . . . An intimate portrait of a family under siege — Mark Halverson of Sacramento News & Review


Tickets required:  https://silkcocoonuucb.eventbrite.com

Wheelchair accessible

Questions:  silkcocoonuucb@gmail.com
