11:14 am - 12:15 pm
Family Ministry Office

Finding Balance

This session explores the second Unitarian Universalist Principle, justice, equity, and compassion in human relationships. Participants discover how, by finding balance in their own lives, they can promote equity across the interdependent web of life. They experience sharing resources and finding enjoyment with scant material possessions. We will add the signpost, “Find Balance,” to our Faithful Journeys Path.


Take Home

Look through the drawers and closets of everyone in the family for clothes in good condition that you do not use. Decide together who might want them: A younger friend or relative? A thrift store? A shelter for women and children? Could you sell items in a garage sale and donate the money to a good cause? You may also like to give some durable food items to a food pantry, or extra blankets and towels to a homeless shelter or an animal shelter. Talk about how everyone wins when items get more than one life — the original owner gets to share, the new owner gets to enjoy new belongings, and the environment is healthier when we recycle.


Check it out: Session 5